


“Nicholas Poulin arguably the best fitness club in NYC, with luxury amenities and wellness philosophy that banks on the latest science and fitness techniques that are at the forefront of health science.”

New York Weekly

Poulin Health and Wellness Uses Industry-Leading Techniques to Guarantee Fitness Results

SHAPE Magazine - LIZzo

“The Workouts Lizzo Does to ~Feel Good As Hell~ While She's On the Road Touring”

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez Prepped for the Golden Globes In the Best Way

A-Rod also shared a video from the workout, and by the looks of it, J. Lo was up to her usual (read: highly impressive strength training). In the video, she's seen doing kneeling wide-grip lat pull-downs using two sides of a cable machine. The move works the latissimus dorsi muscle, which can help create the tapered "V" shape from the shoulders to the waist, Nick Poulin, certified trainer and CEO/founder of Poulin Health & Wellness in New York City

Jennifer Garner

As impressive as Garner's skills are to watch, they're even more impressive to imitate. Skipping rope is a total-body workout—toning shoulders, arms, butt, and legs—and burns more than 10 calories per minute. It's a major cardio workout that's "good for your heart and lungs, as well as your mind," according to Nick Poulin, CEO and founder of Poulin Health & Wellness in New York City. 

Khloé Kardashian

In a series of Instagram Stories, Kardashian explained doing a circuit involving thousands—yes, literally thousands—of jump rope reps. Meaning, the more you skip rope, the stronger your joints become, which can also help reduce your risk of lower leg injuries, Nick Poulin, CEO and founder of Poulin Health & Wellness in New York City.